1. What is a gel candle?
2. What is a betta vase?
3. How long will a gel candle burn?
4. Are there any burning instructions for safe burning of a gel candle?
5. How do I care for the Betta?
6. Where do Bettas come from?

  What is a Gel Candle?
A gel candle is a long burning candle manufactured from specially processed mineral oils and gelled with copolymers.  It has a clear rubbery texture and can burn four to five times longer than traditional wax candles.  In addition since the gel is clear the candle light is transmitted through the entire candle instead of only at the top.  What a beautiful sight!

  What is a Betta Vase?
A betta Vase is the perfect ecological system.  The plant will help provide the fish with oxygen and nutrients (along with regular feeding), and the fish will provide the plant with the fertilization the plant needs to grow.  The betta vase will also provide its owner with a peaceful relaxing scene to enjoy at all times.

  How long to burn?
Gel candles burn on the average of 3 to 5 times longer than a paraffin wax candle.  This depends on the density of the gel used.  For best results, however, a gel candle should burn for 2 hours then extinguish and trim the wick to 1/4" before relighting.

  Burning Instructions
Never leave a gel candle unattended, use only on a stable fire resistant surface, keep away from pets and children, burn only for 2 hours then trim the wick to 1/4" before relighting, in case of fire do not extinguish with water - use a fire extinguisher kept nearby.  Keep gel candles away from drafts or a very confined area.  The overuse of fragrance should be avoided, and the proper wick size should be used. Since this is a candle with an open flame, keep away from flammable objects.

  Care Instructions :
Congratulations, you are now the proud companion of a beautiful Betta in a Bowl. These lovely natives of Thailand can be expected to bring you peace and friendship for the next 3 years, if properly cared for. First and foremost, food must be supplied to keep the fish happy and healthy. Feed 3-5 of the tiny pellets once to twice a day. Betta Color Enchancing Diet can usually be purchased wherever fish supplies are sold. Very little of the food should accumulate on the bottom of the bowl. Secondly, the Betta will need to have clean water in the bowl. This can be accomplished by water changes made at least weekly. Tap water or "spring bottled water are preferable to use. The tap water must be dechlorinated either by using the dechlor products purchased wherever aquarium supplies are sold, or by using a gallon milk jug to hold tap water, uncovered, for at least 24 hours. The jug must be thoroughly rinsed out and remember not to close the jug or the chlorine can not escape. Never use soap on any item that the fish will come in contact with. Soap will kill fish. Remove the plant from the bowl and gently rinse off its roots under running water. If necessary, trim back the roots using either scissors or a sharp knife. The plant can be placed in a coffee mug while you complete the water change. Catch the Betta using a small fish net or you can gently scoot it into a small Solo cup. The net works best. From the net, place the fish in a clean, well-rinsed cup filled with the new water. Empty and rinse the bowl. Fill it to 1 and 1/2 inches from the top with the clean water; add back the Betta and the plant. The fish prefer temperatures between 70 and 90 degrees and will live happily along with the lily in low to bright, filtered light.

  The Betta
I am originally from regions in and surrounding Thailand, which was once called Siam, so hence, my name Siamese Fighting Fish! There I would live in shallow stagnant waters. We are able to do this because I have a special organ called a labyrinth. I breath air from above the waters surface - in addition to absorbing oxygen through gills like most other fish. I still need water, but not any aeration, air-pump, or filters (except when young.)
PERSONALITY: I am a fish with a unique personality. I like to study you and sometimes I even wag around because I'm happy to see you (especially if you have my dinner). We males are very territorial and will fight to defend it, also hence my name of Fighting Fish. So, males cannot be together in the same tank or someone will lose his beautiful fins or worse! Females can be kept with other females. Male and female also cannot co-exist, unless there is only one male to a bunch of females (provided the females can seek refuge in plants and rocks). Also, other fish may bite our fins and we sometimes bite them back!